Popular Neandertal Remains

Click on the images to see larger and intricate details
Photos from Donald Johanson & Blake Edgar's, From Lucy to Language
and Ian Tattersall's, The Last Neanderthal

Invert view of Amud I 
 Amud Cave, Israel
Photograph by David Brill; 
Israel Antiquities Authorty
Side View of Amud I 
Amud Cave, Israel
Photograph by David Brill; 
Israel Antiquities Authorty 
Front view of Amud I 
Amud Cave, Israel
Photograph by DavidBrill; 
Israel Antiquities Authorty 

Angle view of Amud I 
Amud Cave, Israel
Photograph by David Brill; 
Israel Antiquities Authorty
Infant remains of Amud 7 
Amud Cave, Israel 
Photograph by David Brill; 
Israel Antiquities Authorty

Side view of a Neandertal 
from Saccopastore,  Italy
Museo di Antropologia "G. Sergi," 
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Front view of Saccopastore 
Museo di Antropologia "G. Sergi," 
University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Neandertal from 
Gibraltar, Spain
Photo by John Reader, Science 
Source/Photo Researchers